< Time Team…
In Service: 1951 until 1970 Image © Barclays Ref 0030-1729 |
x Only the
top two floors of the building provide the evidence that there was ever a
bank here. The lovely image on the left
was taken around the time the branch was opened in 1951. It would appear that the belisha beacon on
the left of the image is also still there, albeit as a modern “red and green
man” pedestrian crossing. What we do
to our town centres is sometimes only apparent when we glimpe the not so
distant past like this and realise just how quickly we have all changed. |
Behind Closed Doors…
The whole valley belches smoke and dirt
from batteries of kilns which seem to be mingled with all other buildings
higgledy-piggledy. The factories are, in many cases, right on the main
streets as well as on the side streets and most of the industry in the valley
appears to have something to do directly or indirectly with the making of
We made our way through the smoke-hazed streets on which the
sun nevertheless contrived to shine brightly, remembering our last visit on a wet day when the smoke
wouldn't rise and gloom and fog obscured everything. The
object of our journey was to visit our new branch at Longton and to renew
acquaintance with our old friends Mr. and Mrs. Bardsley. Mr. Bardsley was Mr. Verity's secretary for
a time, in 1946, and his wife (nee Brenda Smith) was on the Head Office
Telephone Switchboard. Mr. Bardsley entered the Bank in 1936 and served at
Hanley and Leicester as well as on the Relief Staff and in Branch Department
before his appointment as Pro Manager at Hanley in 1948. He
opened Longton last year. Premises Department have contrived to make a nice
little office of the premises which formerly housed a shop and a satisfactory
business is being developed there. Shortly after our arrival we paid a visit
to one of Mr. Bardsley's customers, the Stanley Pottery, and were shown over
the works. We were introduced to the
sagger maker's bottom knocker, who, for those unversed in the specialised language
of the Trade, is the man who makes the bottoms for the cases of fire clay in
which the china is enclosed for baking in the kilns. He flattens a lump of
clay into a “shape” with a wooden tool called a knocker while his superior
officer makes the case. We also managed to smash a plate which we were examining;
it just dropped to pieces in our hand. (We seem to have heard that one somewhere before!). The
explanation, of course, was that it hadn't been fired. (Nor have we, so far!) |
Branch Images
© Barclays Ref 0030-1729 We
were very much impressed with a trade which has not yet succumbed to the
machine age, where the skill of the craftsman, whether at the potter's wheel
or with the paintbrush, still predominates. We were also struck with the
apparent happiness of the work people and we were told that despite the
grimness of living conditions in the Five Towns the people are noted for
their keen sense of humour and their kindliness. |
lunch we went to Trentham Gardens, seat of the wartime Central Clearing
House, now restored to its proper function as a dance hall, café and
entertainment centre. The grounds were looking lovely in their spring dress
and it was hard to realise that ten minutes' run in a car and one would be
plunged again into the murk and soot of the Towns. Then to the branch again to
take the photograph of the staff. In addition to Mr. Bardsley there is Mr. R.
S. King, who started his career at Cocks Biddulph branch, going to Hanley
after the war and to Longton last year. Also, Mr. P. Boulton, who entered the
service at the Central Clearing House in 1944, afterwards going to Stafford.
Miss H. Davies entered the Bank in April of last year. We went to a piece of waste
ground less than five minutes' walk from the branch and took two photographs.
We wanted a typical background and have used the better of the two. The
other, taken against a background of twenty-six smoking chimneys and kilns,
did not quite convey the idea we meant to convey or we would certainly have
used it. |
long hard road to retirement... It seems Longton’s Manager Mr Dakin had something of a struggle on his
hands trying to make a success of the Branch. This is due in part to
competition from local banks. The Midland District Results for the year 1962
reveal a number of telling statistics.
Mr Dakin has a staff of four men and two women. His length of service
(which will total forty-three years when he retires) means he is quite high
up the pay scale at £1,810 per annum.
Set this against a profit of just £370 for the year and we can see
that Longton is barely paying its own way, the Manager’s salary alone being
equal to nearly five times the profit of the Branch! This result puts
Longton at number 26 in the league table of 37 Midland Branches. There are
674 Current and Deposit accounts.
Total average credit balances are £157,000 against average debit balances
of £107,000. The District Manager’s summary of Longton’s position is quite to
the point – “Difficult area where the Manager tries hard but has difficulty
in holding our position. He would welcome a change”. Sadly for Mr Dakin, it appears the change
he craved came only when he retired – some seven years later – and this might
explain his rather dour expression in the photograph. He finally hangs up his
tie forever early in 1969, and entertains colleagues and friends to a buffet.
Martins Bank Magazine takes up the story…